Assessment Overview, Background and Samples

12 Driving Forces/Motivators

12 Driving Forces is an assessment that measures why a person does what they do; it defines and identifies what motivates people. It measures the motivation (and strength) behind behaviors, using 6 different motivators.

Those motivators are Knowledge, Utility, Surroundings, Others, Power, and Methodologies. These 6 motivators are each divided into two distinct ways of measuring each factor. Based on a continuum, these 12 drivers make up a person’s cluster of Driving Forces.

Driving forces uncovers what motivates and engages an individual in work and in life. At the core of 12 Driving Forces are 6 motivators, rooted in Eduard Spranger’s esteemed research from 1928. Backed by decades of research, TTI Success Insights reveals 12 Driving Forces that uniquely define what sparks movement and ambition in each of us. Just as TTI SI’s behavioral (or DISC) assessments help tell us how people behave and perform in a work environment, our 12 Driving Forces™ assessment reveals why they do what they do and what impacts their decision-making. TTI Success Insights’ assessments measuring 12 Driving Forces examine the relative prominence of the following:

  • Instinctive/Intellectual (Knowledge)

  • Selfless/Resourceful (Utility)

  • Objective/Harmonious (Surroundings)

  • Intentional/Altruistic (Others)

  • Collaborative/Commanding (Power)

  • Receptive/Structured (Methodologies)

12 Driving Forces - are the hidden forces that underly your behavior. These represent the internal motivators for how we behave. They explain "why" we behave the way we do.

Emotional Intelligence/Quotient

EQ is an emotional intelligence assessment that uses five factors to measure an individual’s emotional quotient (EQ).

Emotional intelligence is the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power of acumen of emotions to facilitate higher levels of collaboration and productivity.

Emotional Intelligence is an individual’s ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions to facilitate high levels of collaboration and productivity. Our research indicates that successful leaders and superior performers have well developed EQ skills. This enables them to work well with a wide variety of people and respond effectively to the rapidly changing conditions in the business world. EQ examines five key areas pertaining to intrapersonal and interpersonal relations:

  • Self Awareness

  • Self Regulation

  • Motivation

  • Social Awareness

  • Social Regulation

Acumen/Hartman Value Profile

Acumen is assessed using three dimensions of thought, analyzing both world and self-views:

  • Intrinsic (feeling)

  • Extrinsic (doing)

  • Systemic (thinking)

Acumen, or a person’s keenness and depth of perception, will identify how a person thinks.TTI SI’s Acumen indicators can be consider a lens that people use to filter information: do they process events from a people standpoint, a task standpoint or a system standpoint?

A person’s Acumen, or their clarity or understanding of a situation, could be directly related to their performance. Our assessments measuring Acumen examine the six dimensions:

  • Understanding Others

  • Practical Thinking

  • Systems Judgment

  • Sense of Self

  • Role Awareness

  • Self Direction

Talent DNA - 25 Soft Skills

Measuring 25 research-based personal skills directly related to the business environment. Applied in conjunction with a job benchmark, Competencies ensure the skills of each individual match the soft skills required by the job. Research at TTI SI has shown that, for many jobs, personal skills (or soft skills) are just as important as technical skills in producing superior performance. Personal skills are often transferable to different jobs, whereas technical skills are usually more specific. Our assessments measuring Competencies examine the level of development of 25 unique personal skills, ranking them from the most well developed skill to the one requiring the greatest level of further development. While not every job requires the development of all 25 Competencies, TTI SI examines the following personal skills:

  • Appreciating Others

  • Conflict Management

  • Continuous Learning

  • Creativity and Innovation

  • Conceptual Thinking

  • Customer Focus

  • Decision Making

  • Diplomacy

  • Employee Development/Coaching

  • Flexibility

  • Futuristic Thinking

  • Goal Orientation

  • Influencing Others

  • Interpersonal Skills

  • Leadership

  • Negotiation

  • Personal Accountability

  • Planning and Organizing

  • Problem Solving

  • Project Management

  • Resiliency

  • Self Starting

  • Teamwork

  • Time and Priority Management

  • Understanding Others

Prioritized Leader

The Prioritized Leader is a leadership assessment and leadership development curriculum for individuals and organizations interested in achieving high performance. The program focuses on the 5P's of leadership - Purpose, People, Pace, Perception and Profit.

The program starts with an assessment that evaluates an individuals (and collectively a team's) scores in these 5 principles and is followed with a discussion/program to align them within a team and across teams to achieve high performance.

Purpose is about knowing and living the 'why' of your organization, being able to articulate a clear and compelling future. The currency is vision and values.

People is about the level of health and productivity we have iwth our colleagues and connections. The urrency is encouragement and accountability.

Pace is about discerning how fast (or slow) the organization needs to move to sustain long-term success, capitalize on opportunities, and preserve capital. The currency is time and energy.

Perception is about choosing a growth mindset, staying open to creative solutions and new ideas. The currency is insight and innovation.

Profit is the result of effective management, investment and use of an organization's resources. The currency is dollars and cents.

Each of us may value individual components of this model differently, and the ability for an organization to optimize its performance is based on alignment of approaches and value within and across teams.

This assessment and program is for leaders who desire to be more effective, healthy and influential. It is for future leaders who may have influence today, but aren't in a formal leadership position yet. It is for leaders who want to be more purposeful, disciplined and impactful.

How to Fascinate

The How to Fascinate assessment was developed by Sally Hogshead. It is a 28-question assessment based on personal branding that provides you with insight into what makes you unique and different from others.

We believe that if you understand your unique values and approach to life, it provides you with the opportunity to live fully into who you are and realize your full potential.

The assessment provides a unique view of who you are from a branding perspective - not a diagnostic based on a psychology perspective.

DISC - Behavior

DISC is an assessment that measures four separate factors: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance. Put simply: the DISC assessment measures how a person does what they do. The DISC profile creates a language around observable behavior, which in turn improves communication, engagement, and self-development.

Measured in four proportions (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance), Behaviors/DISC reveal how an individual will perform, including how they prefer to communicate, what he or she will bring to a team, his or her ideal environment and possible limitations he or she may face. Our behavioral research suggests that the most effective people are those who understand themselves, both their strengths and weaknesses, so they can develop strategies to meet the demands of their environment. TTI Success Insights’ assessments measuring Behaviors/DISC examine an individual’s dominance, influence, steadiness and compliance, revealing the ways in which one responds to the following:

  • Problems and Challenges

  • Influencing Others

  • Pace of Environment

  • Rules and Procedure

DISC Success Insights Assessments